James Ryan, Dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, in his commencement address this year, suggests that there are five key questions we must regularly ask ourselves. His questions also strike me as great ones to ask of each other during a forum meeting.
Dean Ryan argues that, if we get in the habit of asking these questions, we’ll have a great chance of being both successful and happy. In this six minute excerpt from his talk, he explains why he highly recommends these particular questions:
- Wait, what? (a question at the root of all understanding)
- I wonder, why/if? (a question at the heart of all curiosity)
- Couldn’t we at least…? (a question at the beginning of all progress)
- How can I help? (a question at the base of all good relations)
- What really matters to me/us? (a question that gets you to the heart of life)
Dean Ryan ends with a final bonus question: “And did you get what you wanted out of life, even so?” Life even at its best is filled with pain, sorrow and disappointments. Still, even so, he asks, are you living a fulfilling life?
If you ask the first five questions regularly, you just might be able to answer the bonus question, “Yes, I did.”