Resources for HBS clubs and other peer groups

Group health & values

How is your forum doing? How can you do better?

Other useful resources

Individual Forums
Group health & values
Group health & values
Meeting agendas
Meeting agendas
Ice breakers
Ice breakers
Tools & Technology
Tools & Technology
World Events & Forum
World Events & Forum
HBS clubs & other peer groups
Program design services
Placement and Launch
Placement and Launch
Ongoing support
Ongoing support
The Limits of Forum Confidentiality: How Should Forums Handle “Insider” Information?
When it comes to confidential information, how can forums balance trust, legal risks, and the forum’s core purpose?
When a longstanding forum member has dementia
Considerations and options when a forum needs to balance between serving and supporting one member and ensuring overall forum health and value
Group health & values
Forum Health Survey
Use this survey to assess how your forum is doing and what you might want to change.
Group health & values
Exercises when a forum dissolves
An invitation to look backwards, reflect and express gratitude at your final meeting.
Building Your Legacy
Legacy and eventualities: The spiritual and practical dimensions of confronting our own mortality
Heart Warmers
A series of questions to ask at your upcoming forum meetings.
Ice breakers
Responding to crises around the world: A forum approach
Questions to spark sharing about the personal and business impact of world events on us.
Giving and Receiving Feedback
What is feedback? In this one-hour session, we will expand your understanding of why a focus on the past might not be as productive as a focus on the future. Learn tips and tools for giving and receiving feedback. This interactive session will combine learning and experiential content. A community session with fellow forum members to learn from the experts and help all of us maintain and renew our forums.
Ongoing support
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters
Group health & values
Community Spotlight: Shelby Scarbrough on Civility and Forum
How you can bring a spirit and practice of civility to forum (and to the rest of your life!)
Group health & values
On being a “tough love” forum
In forum we push each other to share our deepest issues, and we provide constructive feedback that helps all members learn and grow.
Managing the Key Dimensions of a Forum Meeting
In this webinar, expert facilitator Barry Kaplan takes you systematically through the four key dimensions of managing a forum meeting: time, space, energy, and content. These guidelines apply whether your forum meeting is virtual, in-person or hybrid. Barry also describes how an exploration of “core regrets” (inspired by Daniel Pink’s The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward) can be the basis for a great forum discussion.
Moments that Matter
An update form designed to highlight one specific challenge and its emotional significance
Learn with the Experts & Best Practice Sharing
A community call to learn from and with the experts and help all of us maintain and renew our forums.
Responding to the crisis in Ukraine: A forum approach
World events are on our minds. How can forum help us process our emotions and consider our choices?
Best Practices for Coaching and Presentations
Good presentations come from good coaching. Follow this step-by-step guide.
When a forum member's parent dies
Personal loss is inevitable. How can forum help and support us at these times?
Making the Most Of Your Forum Updates
The core of a great forum meeting is a great presentation with quality experience sharing. Working backwards, that rests on great updates that are meaningful, deep, and important.
Meeting agendas
Group health & values
Moderator Resources and Best Practices
An overview of great forum resources with specific book and website references
Tools & Technology
"Flipped" Updates
To mix it up, invite every member to prepare a question they would like to ask each other member.
Resolving conflicts in forum
Assessing the types of conflict that arise in forum, and sharing methods to address them.
Tools & Technology
Forum Annual Calendar Planning
A framework and questions to set your forum's meetings for the coming year
Tools & Technology
Meeting agendas
When a member misses a meeting (with a non-emergency excuse)
Questions to reflect on when members are missing meetings for reasons that do not seem urgent
Tools & Technology
Group health & values
Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s advice for marriage… and for forum
The late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg shares wisdom worth keeping in mind during forum meetings.
Group health & values
Nine Nonobvious Ways to Have Deeper Conversations
The art of making connection in forum even in a time of dislocation
Group health & values
Upon meeting in-person again: A ritual of reconnection
After months and months on Zoom, consider doing this exercise at the beginning of your first in-person meeting
World Events & Forum
Transitioning from all-virtual meetings to the new "normal"
Questions to consider as your forum weighs whether to meet virtually, in-person, or some combination
World Events & Forum
Tools & Technology
Meeting agendas
Group health & values
Designing your life - Pathways to discuss purpose and priorities
What's my purpose? How can I build a life I can thrive in? A webinar sharing exercises to begin answering these questions.
Me and My Money Discussion Outline
Facilitating discussions about the sensitive topic of money and personal finances
Exercise after a forum member resigns from the group
When a member departs, it's important for remaining members to learn from that experience
New Forums and New Member Integration Exercises
A variety of connection exercises to help members get to know each other better
Guidelines for an "open coached" presentation
Use this process to have everyone observe and participate in the coaching process
Tools & Technology
Emotions thesaurus - How are you really feeling
Use this list of emotions to encourage members to share their feelings
Generic Forum Agenda Worksheet Template
Create you own agenda based on the number of members and time per section
Tools & Technology
Meeting agendas
Powerful Endings: What am I taking away from today’s meeting?
The value of allocating specific time to reflect on new insights, questions and actions
Meeting agendas
What’s Next? Transitioning from all-virtual forum meetings to the new “normal”
Guiding your forum from Zoom back to (some) in-person meetings
World Events & Forum
Tools & Technology
Meeting agendas
Guiding principles to discuss race (and other potentially contentious issues) in forum
Reviewing core principles to keep a forum discussion productive and valuable
World Events & Forum
Group health & values
Should I travel or not? Reflections on risk, return and priorities
In a time of pandemic, forum can be a great place to talk through complicated travel decisions
World Events & Forum
Can we talk about race and racial inequality in our forum
Questions and guidelines to discuss race and racial attitudes
World Events & Forum
HBS Alumnae Circles - Exercise ideas
A treasury of exercises and icebreakers to use in your forum or circle meetings
Ice breakers
Club or special interest group-initial email
Examples of simple outreach emails to determine interest in your region or special interest group
Taking a Look at Ourselves: A Meta Approach to Forum
Getting up on the "balcony" to make conscious choices about the shared leadership of your forum
Tools & Technology
Group health & values
Icebreaker: What's on your keychain, in your wallet, on your phone?
What you carry around with you every day may say alot about what you value
Ice breakers
The Power of Alumni Forums
Bob Halperin shares the story of how his YPO experience led him to create the HBS Alumni Forum program
Value Based Update Form
A different take: Prepare value-based updates based on each member’s core values
Group health & values
Alternative Update Form
In each area of your life, what are your goals, concerns and feelings? What gives you energy? What takes your energy?
AFS Standard Updates Form
A classic update form: Looking forward, looking backwards, what’s going on in my business, family, and personal life?
Scheduling an orientation
Ready to launch a new forum, request to complete a Doodle poll to schedule
Placement and Launch
Reminder of the orientation
Final reminder notice about upcoming forum orientation
Placement and Launch
Email to an existing forum proposing a candidate
Email to propose new candidate to an existing forum
Placement and Launch
Profile completion email
Email invitation to pay forum fee and confirm interest to be placed in a forum
Placement and Launch
Placement tracking spreadsheet
Spreadsheet to track new profiles, those in placement, and current forums with their new member requests
Placement and Launch
Orientation fee confirmation email
Email confirming fee payment, explanation of next steps
Placement and Launch
Invitation to join a new forum
Email offering a place in a new forum, conflict check, scheduling orientation
Placement and Launch
Email to a candidate offering a forum placement
Email to connect a candidate to an existing forum, complete a conflict check, and arrange to meet
Placement and Launch
Confirming the orientation
Email to confirm orientation date, request volunteer to host
Placement and Launch
HBS club/Special Interest Group guidelines for running an alumni forum program
Overview of why and how to launch and run an alumni forum program in your local club or special interest group
Ongoing support
Outreach to previously interested alumni
Email to alumni who expressed interest in the past
Placement and Launch
Newsletter item
A one-paragraph blurb about forums to include in a club newsletter or email
Marketing email samples
Sample email templates for forum promotional campaigns
Club webpage samples
Sample text about alumni forums for a club website
Sample forum purpose statement
A sample statement of purpose and principles
Tools & Technology
Group health & values
Forum Meeting Assessment Form
A quick member survey of how your meetings are going
Group health & values
Forum Guidelines
A list of principles that forums can review, discuss, revise and make their own
Group health & values
Forum Sample Constitution-from Orientation Manual
An editable one-page forum constitution (set of norms)
Tools & Technology
Group health & values
Turning Points and Milestones
A short exercise to share key times when your life moved significantly in a different direction
The Brown Bag Exercise
Getting to know forum members by sharing ten objects that represent your life.
Ice breakers
SMART goals - accountability template
A template for members to set S.M.A.R.T. goals and be held accountable by the forum
Healing Conflict-Clearing the Air
A structured process to clear the air when conflicts arise in forum
Tools & Technology
Group health & values
Alignment of purpose exercise
Personal growth, professional growth, friendship: What do different members want to get out of forum?
Group health & values
What regrets do you have now? How will you feel on your deathbed?
5 things people regret most on their deathbed
Presentation process explanation
An annotated description of a classic forum presentation process
Presentation Preparation Worksheet
A coaching worksheet and presentation outline
Coaching and the Presentation Process
An overview of the coaching process with examples plus an annotated guide to the presentation process
Monthly Update-MITy WISE
An update form focused on the Most Important Things to share with your forum
Sample First Meeting Agenda-adding new members & constitution review
First meeting agenda after orientation, including adding new members and constitution review
Meeting agendas
Communication Starters
Questions to use as icebreakers as a regular meeting or retreat
Ice breakers
Sample In-person Meeting Agenda
A standard 4-hour meeting agenda
Meeting agendas
Best practices for virtual forum meetings in the age of coronavirus
Virtual meeting norms plus icebreakers, exploration topics, and sample agendas
World Events & Forum
Tools & Technology
Ice breakers
Meeting agendas
Wartime meeting agenda
An alternative agenda with shorter updates and rapid sharing of support and help for all members
World Events & Forum
Meeting agendas
New Forum Agendas for a Time of Crisis
"Wartime" agendas with new icebreaker, update and presentation options
Ice breakers
Meeting agendas
AFS forum presentation wheel
After updates, consider these options in place of a traditional presentation
AFS forum presentation wheel - explanation
Explanations of possible choices instead of a traditional presentation
Beyond Forum Presentations
Exploring options beyond a traditional presentation after forum updates
Icebreaker questions - sorted by emotion
Icebreakers and communication starters related to joy, gratitude, sadness, fear, anger and other emotions
Ice breakers
Group health & values
From Life's Tornado to Presence in Forum
Tips and techniques to be fully present in forum including how you prep, shift your attitude, participate, and share an awesome update
Group health & values
Retreat! Your Forum Needs to Work and Play
How to make the case for the value of a forum retreat
Tools & Technology
Group health & values
Creating your own icebreakers
Ice breaker ideas -- and encouragement to create your own!
Ice breakers
Forum Tools at Work – The Value of a Single Word
One valuable tool used in Forum is the One word open/close. Did you ever consider its value at work?
Group health & values
The Power of Vulnerability
Brene Brown's TED Talk can be a great conversation starter in forum.
Group health & values
Selecting your forum's next moderator
Considering the different ways to select your forum’s next moderator
Tools & Technology
Jazz up your monthly updates with family photos
Consider sharing a photo or two of important family members during your update.
Ice breakers
Taking Your Forum From Good to Great
Powerful questions that can help a forum think about its desired future state.
Tools & Technology
Group health & values
Your Forum: Moving from Head to Heart
Lessons from the Godfather: With many business ("head" centered) issues, there is also a personal ("heart" centered) dimension.
Group health & values
Clearing the Air
How your forum can practice clearing the air.
Tools & Technology
Group health & values
"if you really knew me"
A classic icebreaker to deepen connections, build trust, and get to know each other better.
Ice breakers
Bragging about Forum participation to your boss
Making the case for forum to your boss or HR department.
Group health & values
What if a member says "Just tell me what to do!"
Why it's better to share experience, instead of rushing to give advice.
Group health & values
Questions to ask when you are coaching a Forum presenter
The job of the coach is not to answer the presenter’s question but to help the presenter ask the right questions.
The least likely, but most valuable, source of experience
Stories that illustrate why sharing experience can be more valuable than giving advice
Group health & values
The Forum Value Chain
Great presentations and member explorations are built on a multi-layered foundation.
Group health & values
Forum Exercise: What Motivates Us
An exercise to explore the motivations and constraints that drive us.
Moral Humility and Your Forum
HBS Dean Nitin Noria on "moral humility," and how your forum can help
When a Forum works (and doesn't)
Lessons from Seth Godin on what makes a forum work.
Group health & values
Parting the Curtain
The writer Eudora Welty's insights on the power of forum.
Group health & values
Updates – one more round
To help foster good and trusting relationships in your Forum, consider doing one more round after your Forum’s regular monthly updates.
How Far Will You Go? Questions to Test Your Limits
A great collection of icebreakers to use at your next meeting, retreat or forum dinner.
Ice breakers
I'm really, really busy. Is now the right time to join a Forum?
Ironically, if you are so busy you don’t see how you can take on another obligation; this may be exactly the right time to commit to a monthly Forum meeting.
Group health & values
The challenge (and opportunity) of members with previous Forum experience
What never and more experienced forum members can learn from each other.
Group health & values
The value of advance, in-person presentation coaching
Take the time to coach in advance and the presenter and all members will benefit.
Group health & values
Once a year try ANNUAL, instead of monthly updates
Updates that focus on the full year, past or upcoming, are a creative way to reframe your monthly updates.
Attending your Forum meeting virtually – the right way to do it
Best practices when one are more members are joining your forum meeting remotely.
Tools & Technology
Group health & values
Meeting agendas
Group health & values
Icebreaker ideas and conversation starters
More icebreaker ideas for your next forum meeting
Ice breakers
An evergreen forum topic: Dealing with aging parents
An exercise to help your forum address a topic that almost everyone has dealt with or will deal with
What I'm most ashamed about myself
Shame: Are we ready to discuss this in our forum?
Ice breakers
Best practices when a new member joins your forum
Consider these ideas to smoothly add a new member to your forum
Refreshing your monthly updates
Moving your updates from travelogues to emotional impact and significance
How healthy is your forum? How would you rate it?
Assess your forum on these six dimensions and then discuss what you might want to do differently
Group health & values
What's on Your Moral Bucket List?
How are you cultivating your "resume" virtues vs. your "eulogy" virtues?
Ice breakers
Forum Commitments: Two Questions Every Member Should Answer
Discussing your forum's goals and setting its norms
Tools & Technology
Group health & values
The Final Frontier: Starting a Conversation in Your Forum about Money
Exercises and icebreakers related to money and personal finances
Ice breakers
If I was 10 times bolder
Challenge yourself in life and as you prepare your forum update
Ice breakers
Moving from "I" to "We"
HBS Prof. Bill George on how a new framing opens up new possibilities
Business topics for your forum
Business and leadership issues to explore in forum
The top five regrets of the dying
Exploring regrets as a powerful catalyst for forum conversation
How to live wisely: Some questions for your forum
A forum exercise focused on reflecting on your life
Ice breakers
Dilbert (and his boss) on the perils of giving advice
Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, on why telling people what to do (giving advice) is fraught with peril
Group health & values
So Your Values Live On: Sharing Your Leadership Legacy
Forum exercises to discuss your legacy and "ethical will"
Ice breakers
Confirming and Committing to Your Forum's Operating Principles
Reviewing forum principles and commitments and identifying possible ways you can do better
Tools & Technology
Group health & values
Updates that Lead to Great Presentations
Alternative approaches to updates that get to the deepest issues
Bill George on the Power of Forum
Bill George, the former CEO of Medtronic and current HBS professor, has offered a wealth of wisdom to forums over the years.
Group health & values
Paying it backward: An exercise in self-reflection and gratitude
Helping members identify sources of gratitude and then taking action
Tackling life's hardest challenges: Have you articulated your forum's purpose?
Learning from the example of one forum's beautiful summary of goals, expectations, and responsibilities
Group health & values
Putting a bow on it: How (and how not) to conclude a forum meeting
Options and possibilities to end your forum meeting in the best possible way
Meeting agendas
Group health & values
Updates focused on business and leadership
An alternative update form to ensure business value from your forum
Should a member take a sabbatical from their forum?
Factors in deciding whether a member should leave the forum temporarily
What Google learned from its quest to build the perfect team
Google’s efforts to enhance the efficiency and productivity of its teams offer useful lessons for our forums
Group health & values
Five Essential Questions in Life and in Forum
Five key questions to ask ourselves regularly in life and in forum
Group health & values
Safe and known, known and safe
A beautiful poem can inspire our forums
Group health & values
The value of forum explained in two cartoons
Gary Larson's cartoons explain the benefits of forum
Group health & values
Forum leadership: The role of the moderator
Guidelines for selecting and serving as your forum's moderator
Group health & values
When two forum members begin dating
How to respond when two members of your forum begin dating.
Group health & values
On the virtues of joining a "younger" forum
How older forum members can think about the value of younger members
Should our forum add new members?
Factors to consider in deciding whether to add new members or not
Forum updates: Two powerful questions
Instead of a formal update forms, simply ask members to complete one or both of these sentences
The right way to add new members to your forum
A thoughtful process for adding new members and ensuring successful integration
Group health & values
Financial planning: A great forum topic
Talking about money and finances can be great vehicle for forums to go deeper, leading to greater levels of vulnerability, trust, and insight.
Great questions that lead to deep updates
An update alternative: Ask members to answer one or more of these questions
Ice breakers
Would you steal your forum mate's computer or car?
Weighing the cost to the forum of arriving late, and how to avoid it
Group health & values
The "ABC" shared model of forum leadership
An alternative model of shared forum leadership where everyone contributes and benefits
Group health & values
Who is presenting at your forum meeting today?
Alternative methods to decide who is presenting at your forum meeting
It's the hard days who determine who you are
Sheryl Sandberg, FaceBook's COO, talks not of what she has learned in life, but of what she has learned in death
Possible conflicts: Can I be in forum with this person?
Addressing potential conflicts with a candidate you are considering adding to your forum
Group health & values
The power of pairs: A new approach to your presentation parking lot
Pairing up to generate a rich parking lot of possible presentation topics
The many alternatives to a standard four-hour meeting
Consider these options to accommodate individual scheduling needs, and to build richer connections between members
Tools & Technology
Meeting agendas
Exploring spirituality and religion in forum
Our religious and spiritual beliefs and practices can be a powerful theme to explore in forum.
A forum #METOO exercise
It is sometimes said that sex and intimacy are the final frontiers of forum.
Can we ever be fully free of judgment?
Thinking deeply about our own judgments and those of others
Group health & values
"ERMIA" Updates
An update variation: What do you Eliminate, Reduce, Maintain, Increase, or Add since our last meeting?
Holding each other accountable in forum
A powerful use of forum: Serving as accountability "witnesses" for each other
Group health & values
"Tweeting" your update
Shakespeare opined that “brevity is the soul of wit." What's your 140-character update this month?
Needs and leads
How to help forum mates in concrete and specific ways
Mixing up your updates: High, Low, Medium, Rocky
Inspired by a grade school jump-rope game, “High, Low, Medium, Rocky,” try mixing up your updates with this approach.
Forum exercise: Hiring in a tight labor market
If forum members are struggling to hire great new employees, consider doing this exercise at your meeting.
Forum sparks: Watch a TED talk!
Watching an inspiring, provocative TED talk can be the beginning of a great forum conversation.
Where would you "seat" yourself today?
A New Yorker cartoon as an ice breaker or update spark
Ice breakers
Exploring strengths and weaknesses
Can a forum conversation help you see your strengths and weaknesses more clearly?
Meeting with a potential new forum member: What do we discuss?
A suggested agenda when members meet a potential candidate
Michelle Obama's Becoming as a forum exercise: Becoming me. Becoming more. Becoming us.
How can our forum support each of us in becoming more of who we want to be?
Reviewing the Past Decade, and Visioning for the Next Decade
An update alternative: Zooming out to review the past decade and envision the next decade
Top Tips for Moderators
Take to heart these tips and you can be a successful moderator
Group health & values
An invitation to "brave space"
May our forums be brave spaces that we create and nourish together
Group health & values
Forum in the age of coronavirus
Valuing forum while staying flexible in difficult times
World Events & Forum
Ten tips for awesome virtual forum meetings
Best practices when your forum must meet virtually
World Events & Forum
Tools & Technology
For the unprecedented times in which we now live: Forum update questions
How does the situation or challenge make you feel? How can the forum help?
World Events & Forum
Ice breakers
Moving to a "wartime" forum footing
Extraordinary times call for new modes of engagement, including more focused, rapid response to member challenges
World Events & Forum
Ice breakers
Meeting agendas
Who do I choose to be during the COVID-19 crisis?
A forum exercise: Moving from fear to learning to growth
World Events & Forum
Meeting in pairs to build deeper forum connections
A structured way for forum members to connect between regular meetings.
Meeting agendas
Group health & values
Reacting, Adapting and Growing in the Time of COVID-19
Forum is the ideal place to talk through how we are responding to unprecedented challenges
World Events & Forum
What should I share during my forum update?
Are we supposed to just pick one thing or several or one from each category (business, family, personal)? Can you provide any guidance for how to choose?
Masked and unmasked updates
In forum we take off both our physical and our “psychological” masks and discuss what really matters
World Events & Forum
Group health & values